Date: October 2, 2022 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 9:35-38, Matthew 10:1-8, Hebrews 5:12-14 |


Apprentices want to learn to do the trade that they signed up to perform. Apprentices want to eventually be DO-ERS. If you consider the Christian walk an apprenticeship into becoming more like Jesus, you're right.

Jesus wants people to become more like Him. He also wants His followers to do the things that He did. Each of us is at a different stage of our "apprenticeship" to Jesus. We need to discern the level of Kingdom activity we should be involved in.

We don't want to take on too much and crowd out our relationship to Jesus, but we also don't want to take on too little and never grow...

This morning we'll be looking at how to discern your discipleship level and learn to discern what Kingdom activity we may be called to at this stage in our development.

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