Our main passage is from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:38-44).  In this passage Jesus lays out how a disciple of Jesus responds to the wrongs that have been…
This Sunday we will be spending some time on the story of Frederick Douglass.  Frederick Douglass was born as a slave sometime in 1818.  He escaped slavery and became a…
Jesus, by His actions, shows us the importance of ministry to the lost, broken, poor and rejected.  In our sermon today, Pastor Steve demonstrates how, as Jesus was lived out…
Compromise isn’t usually a huge act of disobedience; it normally starts as a minor slip in your thinking or behavior toward God.  But the more we do this, the easier…

A New Way

June 28, 2020
Properly loving others involves the appropriate response to either celebration or sadness.  In fact, I think the following verse describes what happens when we learn to respond appropriately: “Live in…
This morning Brad Young from Real Dads spoke on the qualifications of a church leader which directly correlates to what makes a great dad.  This was an incredible and very…
This morning we will discuss the power of unity and humility. The reason why?  Because the world is becoming a divisive place.  Our culture is increasingly becoming polarized down political…
A lot of people have hypothesized why the Early Church grew so rapidly.  Some have attributed this growth to signs and wonders and miracles, others attribute it to Constantine, the…
ECC gives God glory for how He has been carrying us through this time!
Peter encourages his readers to submit and honour human authority whenever they can.  Peter's readers had suffered great persecution at the hands of their Roman overlords.  Peter writes so that…